Sabtu, 7 Mei 2011


hasih..setelah kematian osama disahkan sendiri oleh Al-Qaeda..kini, Al-Qaeda menjalankan misi membela kematian ketuanya iaitu osama.. rujuk malaysiakini : Al-Qaeda ikrar balas dendam - Malaysiakini

isu terbaru timbul..siapakah yang membunuh osama?? adakah ia seorang muslim atau kritian atau yahudi? adakah ianya lelaki atau perempuan..malah, isu rasis iaitu adalah penembak osama ini berkulit hitam atau putih?

atok ada terbaca diberita yahoo mengenai ciri-ciri lelaki yang menembak mati osama..antara ciri-cirinya


  • He is the unknown shooter. The nameless, faceless triggerman who put a bullet in the head of the world’s most notorious terrorist.
  • He’s likely between the ages of 26 and 33, says Marcinko, founder of the elite “SEALs Team 6” — now known as DEVGRU
  • He’ll be old enough to have had time to hurdle the extra training tests required to join the elite counter-terrorism unit, yet young enough to withstand the body-punishing rigors of the job.
  • The shooter’s a man, it’s safe to say, because there are no women in the SEALs.
  • And there’s a good chance he’s white, though the SEALs have stepped up efforts to increase the number of minorities in their ranks
  • He was probably a high school or college athlete, Smith says, a physical specimen who combines strength, speed and agility.
  • He’s got a lot of upper-body strength. Long arms. Thin waist. Flat tummy.
  • There are SEALs who are 5 feet 4 and SEALs who are 6 feet 5
  • not the crew-cut, neatly shaven ideal we’ve come to expect from American fighting forces.


banyak lagi sebenarnya..kalau cucu nak baca penuh..boleh kesini : Who shot bin Laden? Former SEALs fill in the blanks - The Washington Post

siapa pembunuh osama sebenarnya?? kenapa unit ini dirahsiakan? adakah kerana ianya hanya satu konspirasi pembunuhan atau ingin mengelakkan lelaki tersebut diserang…

adakah osama ini hanyalah satu boneka Amarika untuk menyerang iraq dan afganistan? atau, sememangnya osama ini pejuang jihad islam?? adakah semuanya terjawab disini OSAMA MASIH HIDUP! | peTUA KITA semua ?


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